The current environment could be the most useful sort for purchasing hedge resources.

People attempting to position their profiles to increase return and minimize danger tend to be challenged in today's environment to balance two major dangers: 1) principal risk, or more especially the possibility of decreasing account values during a bear market, and 2) the risk of missing gains in the case of a stronger last knee up in bull marketplace.
Hedge funds typically purchase a diverse mixture of negatively correlated assets for the true purpose of minimizing volatility and for attaining long-lasting absolute comes back that will outpace inflation. For that reason, in an up marketplace, hedge funds generally have modest, single digit returns being often below wide stock market indices. However in a down marketplace, top hedge resources has near-zero to positive returns.
So people looking to capture at least some of the upside potential continuing to be in the current bull, but want to keep losses low to near-zero in an expected bear marketplace, hedge resources is a great decision.